Tuesday 22 December 2015

Mini Mansions - Death is a Girl

I like the lighting used in Mini Mansions' 'Death is a Girl'. The video takes place in a police stations, with the narrative of the artist's being taken in for questioning. Due to the setting, interesting lighting effects have been used, for example, high-key lighting and fast, bright flashes occur as the artists are being photographed for their mugshots. Flashing and strobing red and blue coloured lights can also be seen, linking in with the idea of police (red and blue being the colour of a police siren). The lighting helps to make the video more unique and dynamic as there is a range of different effects, from high-key to low-key, from still light to flashing light. The flashing is also in time with the music, flashes occurring on-beat, this links to Goodwin's theory of having a relationship between music and visual.

We have already included lighting effects in our music video. We used a hand-held light with coloured filters whilst filming in the studio in order to create flashes. I would like to add more lighting effects in our other locations as this could help to create a disorientating atmosphere, enhancing our narrative of feeling lost and confused.

I particularly liked this effect as having multiples of the same shot being shown simultaneously adds to the feeling of confusion. The shot evokes feelings of being in a daze or being 'hypnotised', this effect could work well within our video as we also want to convey the idea of hypnotism.

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