Friday, 13 November 2015

Audience Theory

Today we looked at audience theory in order to gain a deeper understanding of the specific needs of an audience. This will be useful to us whilst creating our music video as we will need to cater to a specific audience.


The demographics theory divides the adult population into six different categories. These categories describe the income and status of different groups, assigning each group a letter.

A - Higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals
B - Middle management, teachers, creative and media people, for example, graphic designers
C1 - Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical staff - white collar
C2 - Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders - blue collar
D - Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers
E - Unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers

Psychographics (Young and Rubicam):

This theory categorises the population based on behaviour and personality traits. Young and Rubicam developed the '4C's Marketing Model', the 'C's standing for 'Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation'. This is a very effective marketing tool as it helps companies to pinpoint a particular audience based on the probability of them liking the product.

Uses and Gratifications Model (Katz and Blumler):

This theory suggests that audiences consume media texts to fulfill specific needs. This theory assumes an active audience that makes active decisions about what they consume, based on their social and cultural setting. The needs described are as follows:

Surveillance - Our need to know what is going on in the world, for example, watching the news in order to be notified of dangers, this makes us feel safer.

Personal Relationships/Social Interaction - Our need to interact with other people. Forming a connection/relationship with characters in film and television.

Personal Identity - Our need to define our identity and sense of self. We choose to consume media texts that have similar beliefs to those we hold. We can identify and relate to characters or their situations.

Diversion - The need for escape, entertainment and relaxation. Media offering an escape from daily life.

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