Friday, 9 October 2015

Costume Ideas

As we were storyboarding our music video, we started to think about what costumes could be worn in the different locations. We have decided to use quite urban locations, for example, Camden. We want to use fashionable costumes, specifically from the 'grunge' trend as this would help to reflect the reckless behaviour of the protagonist in our video.

I decided to research possible outfits on social media sites 'Instagram' and 'Pinterest' as these usually offer good quality images and creative ideas. I looked into the 'grunge' trend to see what clothing would work within our music video. I noticed some key trends that would be easy for us to incorporate, such as ripped jeans, over-sized denim jackets and a dark colour palette. Below are screenshots of my research from the two sites:

We also had a specific idea for our costume for our proposed Brick Lane location. Due to the vibrant graffiti that we hope to capture, we need an outfit that will make the performer stand out. We thought that the best option would be a white outfit. We got inspiration from two of our lyrics, 'wearing you vintage t-shirt' and 'white threads of my laces'. We thought that we could create a link between these lyrics to our visuals, in this case, costumes, making our music video conform to Goodwin's music video theory. Below is a compilation of images that I found that we could use for inspiration when trying to find a suitable outfit. To adhere to the grunge theme, we could use an over-sized t-shirt dress and pair it with chunky black shoes.

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