Wednesday 16 September 2015

Planning our Pitch

Today we started to plan our music video pitch that we will be presenting next Friday. We began generating ideas for the specific elements of our video, for example, locations, props and costume.

We want to elaborate on the idea of feeling trapped and escaping, linking to the lyric 'locked up till your'e moonlit'. We want the character to be presented as feeling trapped in her 'hypnotic' state, blurring the lines between reality and her dreams of love and freedom. We also thought of a possible new filming location, a river either in Forty Hall or Camden. We think that this could represent themes of reflection and the protagonist's distorted view of reality.

Our ideas are at a very early stage and need a lot of developing. We hope that by pitching to the class, we will gain important feedback to see where we can improve.

The group brainstorming ideas

Our pitch plan

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