Monday 1 February 2016

Zayn Malik - Pillowtalk

Zayn Malik's 'Pillowtalk' conforms to Goodwin's music video theory. There is a clear link between visuals and the lyrics, for example, the chorus contains the words 'paradise' and 'warzone', both of these words are seen written on body parts during the video. The binary oppositions are shown throughout the music video with various imagery. The idea of a 'warzone' is shown through aggressive looking special effects that appear to 'shoot' out of the performers, as well as aggressive behaviours being shown, such as screaming and fighting. The idea of 'paradise' is reflected through calmer shots that contain less special effects, focusing on the performers. Floral imagery also supports this idea.


'Shooting out' effect

'Shooting out' effect




Calmer shots
Floral imagery

As a group, we found the movement of shots and the kaleidoscope effect (shown below) featured in the music video to be the most inspirational, and relevant to our own video. 'Pillowtalk' contains constant movement throughout the video, this adds an element of fluidity between shots and creates more seamless transitions. This is an editing style that I think could work well within our own video, the idea of movement being particularly relevant due to our theme of 'escapism'. The movement also becomes more exaggerated due to the spinning, spiral-esque shots that serve to disorientate the viewer. The kaleidoscope effect is the most interesting of these moving shots due to the geometric patterns that it creates. These patterns have a 'hypnotic' quality and would work well within our video and our lyric 'hypnotic taking over me', a kaleidoscope would solidify the link between lyrics and visuals.

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