Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Preliminary Task

Today we were given our preliminary task, we have to recreate 30 seconds of an existing music video, shot for shot. By copying the video exactly, we will be able to build on our existing skills, for example, camera work (framing, panning etc), attention to detail (through our mise-en-scene and ability to frame the shots as they appear in the original music video)  as well as our planning and time management.

We have chosen to use the song 'Uptown Funk' by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars, we are planning to copy the first 33 seconds. We chose this song as it was fast paced with a strong beat, allowing us to edit the shots in time with the music. The video contains a variety of different shots, for example, close ups, mid shots and long shots, allowing us to practice our camera work, it will also provide us with inspiration when it comes to storyboarding our final music video.

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